Fruits of Wrath — Attempt at comprehension: Ukraine

Curated by Eleonora Frolov and Kateryna Rietz-Rakul

With works of:

Nazar Bilyk, Sergiy Bratkov, Johanna Diehl, Open Group (Yuriy Biley, Pavlo Kovach, Anton Varga, Stanislav Turina), Alevtina Kakhidze, Lesia Khomenko, Dariia Kuzmych, Boris Mikhailov, Mykola Ridnyi, Steve Schepens, Hito Steyerl, Mariya Vasilyeva, Clemens von Wedemeyer

The exhibition “The Fruits  of Wrath: Ukraine” focuses on current events in Ukraine. It attempts to shed light on the causes and consequences of the war. The focus is on Ukraine’s independent development, its self-discovery and the presentation of its historical and cultural sovereignty in the context of European history. The exhibition deconstructs colonial processes that are often overlooked and examines their manifestations, for example in the form of cultural appropriation.

Accompanying program:

Artist talk Mykola Ridnyi and Clemens von Wedemeyer
7 pm
Scripted performance with Alevtina Kakhidze and Kateryna Rietz-Rakul
7 pm
Discussion with Vasyl Cherepanyn and Johanna Diehl
7 pm

The program is subject to change.